BestSeller Louver,intake,18-30 In,aluminum - DAYTON
Intake Louver, Fixed Height, Adjustable Width, Max Exhaust 2500 Cfm, Max Intake 1750 Cfm, Inside Height 24 In, Outside Height 28 In, Inside Width 18 To 30 In, Outside Width 22 To 34 In, Min Wall Opening 24h X 18w In, Flange Width 2 In, Mounting Hole Size 9/32 X 1/2 In, Free Area 1.14 To 1.95 Square-ft, Max Velocity 3000 Fpm, Construction Material 0.040 Inch Aluminum, For Use With Intake Or Exhaust Applications, Includes Bird Screen And Screen Fasteners
Visit: For Sale Exit Device,grade 1 - FALCON EXITS